Pegasus, a bicycle brand of German origin with a solid market leader position there, would like to strengthen its market position within the Netherlands and asked us the question: help us to become “the challenger” of the established order (Gazelle, Batavus and Sparta) and achieve an annual sales growth of at least 20%.

In brief

  • To arrive at a well thought-out strategy with concrete objectives, we started with a thorough data analysis to understand the potential of Pegasus in the Dutch market.
  • With a new positioning that goes back to the essence of the Pegasus brand and fits the Dutch consumer.
  • To align with our agreed-upon goals, we needed a functional new website that focuses on the key journey toward Pegasus dealers.
  • By starting to work out user flows and user stories in the design phase, we had a complete picture of the required functionalities.

Sven MeijerDigital Designer

User flows are schematic representations of all the touchpoints, decisions and actions a user undergoes when visiting the website. User stories describe the type of user and the purpose with which that user visits the Web site. By working out both in detail, you get a full picture of all the pages and functionalities the website should contain.”

Sven MeijerDigital Designer

Exposing the Dutch bicycle market

Together with Pegasus, concrete multi-year goals were determined to which we, as a business development agency, conform. But how do you get from a deep-seated ambition to a thoughtful strategy with concrete goals? Our data analysts started by uncovering the Dutch market and thus understanding a realistic growth potential for Pegasus. In terms of traffic, in terms of leads, in terms of brand awareness and in terms of market share.

In this way, we laid the foundation for a clear strategy and were able to link ambitious goals to a deadline and validate them for feasibility.

A powerful positioning aimed at the Dutch consumer

Because the Dutch market is not comparable to the German market, we began a comprehensive repositioning. A positioning that goes back to the essence of the Pegasus brand and fits well with the perception of the Dutch consumer in both communication and visual identity.

Who is Pegasus and what makes the brand and products different from competitors? Quality, innovation, safety and comfort also promise Gazelle, Sparta and Batavus. Pegasus is more sharply priced, though. Communicate that we are cheapest? Pegasus unworthy. And it doesn’t fit a Challenger. Turn it around: for the same money, you get more bike. More bike for e-bikers, more bike for city cyclists, more bike for school cyclists.

Pegasus. Simply more bicycle.

Expertise ( 7 )

Merkidentiteit & positionering
Busy office common area
Pegasus | Sumedia
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Marketing & Performance | Sumedia

A new web design based on user flows and user testing

To conform to our agreed-upon goals, a functional new website was needed. A platform that supports the newly defined proposition and visual identity and focuses on the key customer journey towards Pegasus dealers.

At Sumedia, we are good at taking the subjectivity out of a digital design. The design is not only beautiful, it contributes significantly to the goals to be achieved. By applying best practices (UX and UI), working out user flows and user stories, and subjecting the website to multiple user tests before launch, we developed an innovative and user-friendly design. A design based on hard data that, coupled with the latest developments within web development, allows us to gain a competitive advantage in the short and long term.

An integrated methodology to grow the Pegasus brand

As a business development agency, we obviously have all the digital disciplines in-house. Our integrated methodology, where we hook up all relevant areas of expertise (strategy, marketing, design and development) in the right order, enables us to launch campaigns at lightning speed, achieve challenging objectives and grow the Pegasus brand.

The progress, work and results of Pegasus’ various digital channels are visualized and monitored in real time in a Google Dashboard, making them visible to all stakeholders.

A serious market share within the Dutch bicycle market

The result of this fine collaboration can be called successful in several facets. Thus, every year since the partnership began in 2017, we have achieved the jointly defined goals. This means that by now:

  • Have achieved a tenfold increase in the reach of Pegasus within the Netherlands.
  • Have captured a serious market share within the Dutch bicycle market; 1 in 3 Dutch people have come into contact with the Pegasus brand, 1 in 4 know the brand.
  • Doubled total sales at Pegasus dealers in the Netherlands.
Pegasus | Sumedia

“The cooperation with Sumedia has intensified considerably over the years and has ensured that our brand has become an important player in the Dutch market and is known and recognized by consumers.”

Gerard Mimpen

Manager Benelux - SAG

Case studies

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For Harman Kardon, we developed a native app that allows consumers to test the high-quality AV products for themselves.

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Louwman Exclusive is unique in automotive landscape. Unique in its range of out-of-the-ordinary cars, but especially unique in the level of hospitality to its customers. On the new digital platform, users are at their beck and call.

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Antea Group

28,000 pages of information, see logic and structure in that. For 8 different countries. Rarely have the wireframes of a project been as leading as in the development of Antea Group’s new digital platform.

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